Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The helpers( willing or not )

Its amazing where you can get help from. Our new neighbour Teresa is always on hand to advise when asked, ( and have a little laugh at our forest of beans, growing madly, but we are unable to put them out as we might still have a frost )Penny and Nigel kindly came and named a lot of new plants, and gave us some idea of how to use the rayburn oven, then there was Jayne, who helped renovate the falling down hen house ( dont ask I am still waiting for the new one to be delivered ), tish who helped prune the unruly garden , gave me a perm and showed me how to clip davids hair,and Phil who added a bit of man power for david, helping trim all the hegdes ready for fencing, move a HUGE pile of stones, dig a couple of trenches for the poly tunnel.
Then there are the not some useful helpers...
Ruby, who panics if her ball is not thrown every two minutes
Seun, whose job it is to get in the way and inspect every spade and wheelbarrow full of soil in case it contains anything interesting for dogs.
Daisy, who kindly guards the stairs to our bedroom in case any one unauthorised wishes to pass, and acts as a russian fur hat for anybody sitting on her chair in the evening.

And last, but not least Kitty, whose job it is to complain often that she needs some more food, and keeps Davids hands busy at night as she needs constant scratching of her ears, even when he is asleep.

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