Sunday, 26 June 2011

Currants here, currants there, but not a volt to be seen

We have been very fortunate to inherit six lovely black currant bushes and five healthy thorny gooseberry bushes. Well, the poor old blackcurrant bushes did not have any mulch or fertilizer, so we were not expecting them to do a lot this year. As usual we were wrong !!Pleasantly wrong, they are absolutely laden, and all the berries are ripening well. The west end of the fruit bushes have been ripening for a week or so and now the eastern side is catching up. We had some good rainfall last week, about two inches over the week, and the fruits have swollen beautifully. This afternoon I set to picking some of the fruits, and managed about four kilograms in four hours, by the way that's about four thousand berries. Any way, half have been washed, boiled with some water and are now on their way through the jelly bag. My plan is to make blackcurrant jelly tomorrow. The other half might well find their way into the deep freeze to join the other four kilograms I picked last week and the five kilograms of gooseberries. Seems like I will be looking for another deep freeze soon. I have had a go at making gooseberry jam, and might try some blackcurrant jam tomorrow if there is time . LOL.I think one of the winter jobs will have to be removing labels from old jam jars. That will be on days that I am really struggling to find something to do. Right now, I can not imagine having one of those days for a long long time. Mum always told us as kids that if you were bored it was because you were to stupid to think of something to do. So far I haven't been bored for about fifty years.

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