Sunday, 4 March 2012

Fresh local porduce (we hope )

I have managed to get permission to sell excess fruit, veg and eggs from the farm gate, now I just need to get the stuff to grow. I have loads of seeds in the conservatory already, including runner and broad beans, tomatoes, leeks, lettuce, peppers, rocket, radishes, and some other stuff as well. The polytunnel  is cleaned, manured, and turned and we are ready to go, as soon as the weather gets a little warmer. Hope to have some stuff in there by the end of March. The other problem we will have is keeping the chickens out, as they are very keen to assist with any gardening being done.
The chickens have been wonderful fun, and have hardly slowed down egg production over the winter. We are getting  between 18 and 20 eggs a week, which I am currently selling at £1/ ½ dozen. It was rather embarrassing the other day, David wanted something small from the hardware store, and they are not keen to take a card for anything under £5. We didn’t have any cash between us, so he had to borrow  £5 from the chickens money box. They are saving their money for a new sister or two.Idid make David write them an IOU . I did not tell David they can’t read yet. We moved the chicken arc under the cover of the open barn, so they are dry, and they are still free range, roaming around the garden, part of the fields and the neighbours garden. Typical, they have 5 acres to roam around in, but they have to go next door. So far we haven’t seen the fox, though we do know there is at least one that roams around the fields at night.

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